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Sunday, February 22, 2015

About The Controversy

There are always controversial books that are constantly being debated if they should be taught to high school students. Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad is an excellent example of this. His novel explicitly represents racism and sexism during the late 19th century. It is a phenomenal example that transports individuals of this era into a different time when social norms were drastically atypical. Achebe strongly argues that Conrad’s work supports racism, is full of literature tricks and therefore should not be read. However, Conrad’s book is a literature gold mine. It offers a unique experience to learn about racism and social norms of the time period, while discovering layers upon layers of metaphors, irony, and similes in Conrad’s book. Though there are many reasons why it should not be read, it is for those reasons why it should.

Achebe, along with many other individuals and high schools, agree that Heart of Darkness is filled with racism, false information, and tricks meant to deceive the reader. For example, he quotes, “Catch ‘im, “he napped with a bloodshot widening of his eyes and a flash of sharp teeth-- “catch ‘im. Give ‘im to us.” “To you, eh?” I asked; “what would you do with them?” Eat ‘im!” he said curtly…” Achebe argues this is deception because at a quick glance, it appears to be written generously, when it’s the opposite. He degrades anyone who is not European, and in another example, he writes a godly description of a European explorer. “In passing he cast a glance of kindly curiosity and a friendly gleam of big, sound, shiny teeth… his white calves twinkled sturdily.”


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