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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Issue with girls

I have always had an issue with the fact that one test is supposed to measure the cognitive capacity of certain material for an individual, simply because we’re all different. Is it fair to give a single exam to a group of people who have different learning styles? How can one exam capture the knowledge of individuals who have various ways of expressing it? The issue I have with this is the message it’s subconsciously giving us- think like everyone else. When we’re handed an exam, the entire purpose is to fill in the bubble that is the correct answer, but is also the one that everyone else is going to fill in. We aren’t taught to think differently or challenge ideas that are accepted by everyone else. It’s happening throughout Eastern Asia every day. Students study for countless hours, and their exam results reflect it, I am not denying that. It’s clear that they know how to take an exam, but when it comes to open ended answers, they don’t know how to approach it. They can’t approach it. Test taking is grinded into their system so deep to where they can’t even make conclusions for themselves. I am a firm believer that certain concepts need to be challenged, because it is those individuals who change everything.

All of history’s greatest leaders were ones who challenged social norms and beliefs, they were the ones making scientific breakthroughs and they were the ones who pushed the limits of society. 


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